As It Happens: Thursday Edition

Part One
DND sexual misconduct
Former Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps issues a damning report describing a culture of misogyny, harassment and sexual assault lurking in Canada's military.
Nepal medic
After the earthquake, volunteers have managed to set up a medical clinic in one of many parts of Nepal that, so far, have not received much-needed aid.
Iraqi cellist
Just hours after a car bombing that killed five people, an Iraqi musician sets up his instrument in the blast zone, and plays.
Part Two
Spiegelman: Maus in Russia
A classic graphic novel about the Holocaust can't be stocked in Russian bookstores because there's a swastika on the cover -- and tonight, its author, Art Spiegelman, responds.
Since the city of Manchester, England, won't tackle its pothole problem, a graffiti artist adds tackle to the potholes himself -- that is, crudely rendered cartoon phalluses.
Part Three
PEI lobster fisherman
A thick layer of ice in some parts of Prince Edward Island is keeping lobster fishermen from their quarry. There's only one solution: chainsaws.
Howard Johnson's closure
When one of your big menu items is clam strips, maybe you're living on borrowed time. And so it's proven for the once-ubiquitous restaurant Howard Johnson's -- which now has only two locations left.
Avocado fungus
The Asian ambrosia beetle is attacking avocado trees in Florida. It's spreading a fungus called laurel wilt. And it threatens to decimate Florida's avocado crop. But high-tech drones and dogs may provide hope.
Kramer the Donkey obit
We join those around the world in a fond farewell to Kramer the Magical Donkey.