
Security cameras installed for G20

As part of the extensive security measures for the G20 Summit in Toronto, police say they have installed an extra 70 security cameras in the downtown core.

The installation of nearly 70 new security cameras in downtown Toronto is now complete.

Closed circuit camera locations

University & Armoury

East University & Armoury

West University & Dundas

East University & Dundas West

52 Division, 255 Dundas Street West

Yonge & Queen

Queen & Bay

Queen & Sheraton Hotel

Queen & University North

Queen & University South

Queen & Duncan

Queen & John

Queen & Peter

Duncan & Pearl

King & Peter

King & John

King & Metro Hall

King & Simcoe

Richmond & University

Richmond & York

The move was made as part of the preparations for the G20 Summit, which will be held in Toronto on June 26-27.

Toronto police said in a statement the new cameras - 67 in total - will be added to the 18 existing cameras "to ensure the safety of all those who live in, and visit" Toronto

The extra cameras will be removed at the end of the summit.

There have been a number of extraordinary security measures undertaken in advance of the summit.

Authorities are planning to put up fencing in the downtown and to designate a zone around the convention centre to be restricted to G20 delegates.

Toronto's CN Tower will be closed to the public throughout the duration of the summit as a further security precaution.