Motion to halt Rainbow School Board accommodation review defeated
Larry Killens forwarded a motion to press pause on the review process, but board moves ahead
Manitoulin trustee Larry Killens' motion would have delayed the Rainbow District School Board's accommodation review process until the provincial government decided if it would restore funding to rural schools.
But Killens' motion was defeated seven to three.
Board chair Doreen Dewar said trustees knew what they were getting themselves into by starting the accommodation review.
"Did we not know what we were saying when we made those motions," Dewar asked.
"Did we not understand that this was going to be a difficult process?"
But trustee Gord Santala said ideas like Killens' are essential to address the larger issues of under-funded schools in the area.
"Unless we do something like this and communities across the province do something like this, nothing will move forward," Santala said.
"So I believe this is a positive motion, which will bring the conversation back to the government's lap where it really belongs."
The board will make its final recommendations on possible school closures November 24.
Trustees will have their final say February 7.