P.E.I. applying carrot and stick for bike helmet laws

People caught cycling without a helmet this summer in Charlottetown and Summerside will have a greater chance of getting a ticket, but wearing a helmet could earn a reward.

People caught cycling without a helmet this summer in Charlottetown and Summerside will have a greater chance of getting a ticket, but wearing a helmet could earn a reward.

The police are working with the Atlantic Network for Injury Prevention to try to increase the use of bike helmets. Network spokeswoman Sally Lockhart told CBC News Wednesday getting a ticket will not necessarily mean paying a fine.

"Cyclists who get the ticket are given the option instead of paying the fine and going to court to come to an education session that really details the risk of not wearing their helmet," said Lockhart.

Members of Lockhart's group will also be patrolling the two cities, and will reward people wearing a helmets with incentives such as gift certificates.

Bike helmets have been mandatory on P.E.I. since 2003, but in all that time only three cyclists have ever received a ticket.