
It's spring because the University of Waterloo's Goose Watch map is back

Forget April showers. You can keep your robins. The real sign of spring in Waterloo is when the university brings back its Goose Watch map to help students avoid nesting Canada geese.
A user-submitted photo to the University of Waterloo's Goose Watch map, which helps students track paths through the University of Waterloo campus while avoiding goose nests. (Carrie/UWaterloo)

It's the now the season that all University of Waterloo students know and fear.

Ruthless Canada geese are nesting along campus paths and in campus planters, incubating the next generation of honking, flapping, winged aggressors ready to conduct all-out assaults on unsuspecting young engineers and physics undergrads. 

In other words, it's spring.

Not even the safety of a car with a working horn will save you from the savagery, as Waterloo student Siddarth Verma found out last year in his encounter with the "Spawn of Satan" goose, which terrorized the university's Hagey Hall building.

And just like spring, the university's Goose Watch map is also back. The interactive, user-generated map helps students and faculty navigate their way through the campus, with a choice of three goose-avoidance levels. 

Goose nests reported to the University of Waterloo's goose nest avoider map for 2016 so far. (University of Waterloo)

Users can pick from three comfort levels:

  • I'm comfortable near nests.
  • I'm cautious
  • I want to keep my distance.

And can also submit nest locations with photos.

And just in case you need to venture out into the wild jungle to get to class, the university offers a helpful video, complete with an 80s synth drum tune soundtrack, with instructions on how to avoid the geese and what to do if one starts to approach.