Kagiso Lesego Molope

Image | Kagiso Lesego Molope

Caption: Kagiso Lesego Molope is a novelist from Ottawa, Ont. (Mawenzi House)

Ottawa, Ont. writer Kagiso Lesego Molope is the author of Dancing in the Dust, The Mending Season, Such a Lonely, Lovely Road and This Book Betrays My Brother. Her novels take place in her native South Africa, but often tackle social and political issues relevant to countries around the world. Her YA novel This Book Betrays My Brother follows a young girl who witnesses a violent crime perpetrated by her brother. It won the Percy Fitzpatrick Prize and received a starred review from Kirkus Magazine. Such a Lonely, Lovely Road is her latest book, published in 2018.

Books by Kagiso Lesego Molope

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