nakamowin'sa for the seasons

Rita Bouvier

Image | BOOK COVER: nakamowin'sa for the seasons by Rita Bouvier

Caption: (Thistledown Press)

Rita Bouvier's third collection of poetry is a response to the highs and lows of life and represents an attempt at restoring order through embracing others, reconciling the traumas caused by the deep scars of history and soaring beyond life's awkward and painful moments in order to live joyfully. Inspired by the metaphor of a voyageur sustained by song on his journeys up and down the rivers of Northwest Saskatchewan, these "wordsongs for the seasons" draw heavily on images from nature as well as the joys, heartaches and transgressions Bouvier has witnessed and experienced as a Métis woman. Using imagery strongly connected to the natural environment, Bouvier evokes earth's regeneration through the seasons as inspiration for moving forward. (From Thistledown Press)

From the book

I am neither European or Indian — nor
Christopher Columbus' lost song for that matter.
I am ayisiyino — a human being;
ewahkotoyak - we are all related.
this place knows me — remembers me,
the soft sounds of my grandmothers' tongues.
sing her song, oh, oh Canada!
our home and native land!

From nakamowin'sa by Rita Bouvier ©2016. Published by Thistledown Press.