Night Moves

Richard Van Camp

Image | BOOK COVER: Night Moves by Richard van Camp


As a window into the magic and medicine of the Northwest Territories, Richard Van Camp's fourth short story collection is hilarious and heartbreaking. A teenaged boy confesses to a vicious assault on a cross-dressing classmate; Lance tells the sensual story of becoming much closer to his wife's dear friend Juanita; while a reluctant giant catches up with gangsters Torchy and Sfen in a story with shades of supernatural and earthly menace.

Night Moves continues to explore the incredible lives of indigenous characters introduced in The Lesser Blessed, Angel Wing Splash Pattern, The Moon of Letting Go, and Godless but Loyal to Heaven. If this is your first time to Fort Simmer and Fort Smith, welcome. If it's another visit — come on in: we've left the lights on for you. (From Enfield & Wizenty)
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From the book

Steve nods as Dougie lifts me off the ground. I smell scalp, tar, heat. Pelicans soar miles above us. That's me, I think. That's who I used to be. I huff, puff and push all my air out. I wish the sky would blow me in half as Dougie squeezes my ribs tight — so tight my face burns and balloons. I see three pelicans soaring above and wonder if they can see me back and — Why?

From Bornagirl by Richard Van Camp in Night Moves ©2015. Published by Enfield and Wizenty.

Author interviews