'The lard works in mysterious ways,' says woman who found Trump's face in butter
CBC News | Posted: August 12, 2016 9:21 PM | Last Updated: August 12, 2016
Donald Trump stops at nothing to get your attention. Even if it means staring out at you from a tub of butter.
Almost a year ago, Jan Castellano opened a fresh tub of Earth Organics butter only to be greeted by a vision of Trump's face.
Given that Trump is now the Republican presidential candidate, and his statements grow more controversial by the day, Castellano tells As It Happens guest host Laura Lynch she sees the butter episode now as a kind of premonition.
"Who knew a year later, [Trump] would be embedded in our minds?"
It all started for Castellano, who lives in Wildwood, Mo., last summer. It was right after Trump had announced his candidacy in the Republican primaries, and Castellano was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"His face had been starting to appear all over TV. He's very animated, with his expressions. When I popped that tub of butter open, I kind of did a double-take. And I'm not one of those people to see things in food."
"His face was just kind of like, 'ooooooh,' with those squinty eyes," she says.
She snapped a photo of the butter and sent it to her local TV station.
"I sent it just to see if I was crazy. And they agreed with me, that I was crazy, but they did see his face," she says.
It didn't end there. Radio stations in Los Angeles started calling her up. Bill Maher even invited Castellano on his show.
A year later, Castellano's fifteen minutes of fame have pretty much run out. But what about the Trump butter? What happened to it?
"That morning, I used it. A gentleman who interviewed me from a radio station said, 'Oh my gosh, you could've gotten thousands of dollars on eBay for that!' I said, no — that was my only butter. I wanted breakfast. And I'm not a Trump fan!"
As for Trump himself, and what Castellano makes of this year's presidential race — she says she never imagined it would become so farcical.
"It's pretty comical. I'm 62, and I don't ever remember anything being quite this controversial. And for somebody to be so animated, and a hog for attention to be wanting to run for President and have things bother him so much — it's a scary thought."
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Castellano says her days of seeing faces in food have probably come to an end.
"Needless to say, any future tubs I've opened have not had anything but tiny little swirls. No other premonitions in any food since then. But I'm going to try for ice cream next. That's a more fun thing to eat anyway."