Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation sues Yukon gov't over duty to consult

1st lawsuit of its kind by a Yukon First Nation with a settled land claim

The Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation is suing the Yukon government, demanding a say over mineral exploration in its traditional territory.
In documents filed in Yukon Supreme Court, the First Nation in Dawson City alleges mineral exploration is having an adverse effect on First Nation rights.
The statement of claim says government has a duty to notify, consult and accommodate the First Nation before exploration happens on non-settlement lands in the region.
The lawsuit is the first of its kind by a Yukon First Nation with a settled land claim. It mimics similar lawsuits filed in recent years by non-settled First Nations.
A justice official with the Yukon government said it is reviewing the claim and planning to file a statement of defence.