The true tale of Winnie the Pooh, an unlikely First World War legacy
CBC Radio | Posted: November 11, 2015 12:59 PM | Last Updated: November 12, 2015
Image | Finding Winnie - Lindsay Matlick
Caption: "There is something you must always remember," Harry said. "It's the most important thing, really. Even if we're apart, I'll always love you. You'll always be my Bear." From the book "Finding Winnie" when Harry takes Winnie to her new home at The London Zoo. (Illustrated by Sophie Blackall)
Audio | The Current : The true tale of Winnie the Pooh, an unlikely First World War legacy
Caption: In 1914, Harry Colebourn rescued a baby bear and took the bear to war. He named her Winnie, after his hometown of Winnpeg. (Courtesy of Lindsay Mattick/Harper Collins)
"I've decided to name her Winnipeg, Harry told them, "so we'll never be far from home. Winnie, for short." - From Lindsay Mattick's book "Finding Winnie"
Between Disney and the English writer, A. A. Milne, the character of Winnie the Pooh has touched millions.
Image | Harry with Winnie - Winnie the Pooh
Caption: This picture of Winnie and Harry inspired a statue that now stand in Winnipeg and London.
The silly old bear is easily one of the most adored children's characters of the last century and the current one as well.
To the Canadian writer Lindsay Mattick, Winnie the Pooh is like family... in a way.
Her great-grandfather, Harry Colbourn, was the First World War soldier who first came to love a little bear cub he called Winnie, after his hometown of Winnipeg.
Lindsay Mattick has written a new book titled, "Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World's Most Famous Bear". She joined Anna Maria in our Toronto studio.
Image | Winnie the Pooh - Soliders and Mascot
Caption: Harry and his fellow soldiers of the Fort Garry Horse Manitoba regiment, with their mascot, Winnie. (Courtesy of Lindsay Mattick/Harper Collins)
Image | Winnie the Pooh - Diary
Caption: Harry kept diaries throughout World War I. This diary page is from the day Harry found Winnie. On August 24, 1914, her wrote "Bought bear $20." (Courtesy of Lindsay Mattick/Harper Collins)
Image | Winnie the Pooh - Animal Card
Caption: This official Animal Record Card shows that Winnie began her stay at the London Zoo on December 9, 1914. (Courtesy of Lindsay Mattick/Harper Collins)
This segment was produced by The Current's Howard Goldenthal.
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