Job vacancies in Alberta outstrip available labour

Province led the nation in employment opportunities in September

Alberta continued to be the best place in the country for job-seekers in the fall of 2013.
Businesses in the province reported 52,800 vacant jobs in the month of September.
Statistics Canada says that is fewer than the previous year, but still the highest number in the country.
Bruce Graham, the CEO of Calgary Economic Development, said the city is experiencing its lowest unemployment rate since the recession of 2008.
"We're still considered very much a bright spot in the economic landscape of North America."
Graham said employers are having difficulty recruiting workers.
"They've had to go further afield to find the right skill sets and find people."
According to Statistics Canada, there are 1.3 million people looking for work across the country which translates to an unemployment rate of 6.9 per cent.
Calgary MP Jason Kenney, federal minister of employment and social development, said training people to fill vacant jobs is a priority.
"We have a growing economy and an aging population," said Kenney. "Demographic change means we've got to be smarter about preparing Canadians about the jobs for the future."
However, Graham cautions there is uncertainty about Alberta's economic future as the province awaits decisions on major pipeline projects.