'Stand up for Science' rally planned for Dalhousie

A Halifax group is rallying on Monday against cuts to scientific research.
Evidence for Democracy is joining a national effort called Stand Up for Science. The group is concerned about funding cuts and attempt to limit scientists from talking about their findings.
Justin Singer is a master's student at Dalhousie University and is helping organize the Halifax protest.
"It's to show the government that people do care about scientific research and it's also to get as many people as possible aware of the situation, of threats to truth and objectivity in scientific research so they'll be able to make the right decisions come election time," he said.
Singer said if scientific research is allowed to be undermined, then policy decisions on health care and the environment will be flawed.
Singer said people should be concerned about this issue because it affects how policy decisions are made in areas such as health and the environment. He cited bill C-38, which he described as weakening environmental law and the fisheries regulations.
The Stand Up for Science event in Halifax will take place at the Dalhousie Student Union building.
MP and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, New Democrat MP Megan Leslie and Dalhousie professor Tom Duck will speak at Monday's rally.