

Cancer Mom's Gone Wild
1 hr 3 mins
Dec. 4, 2024

Nature doesn't just heal—it teaches, tests, and transforms. This week, we paddle into the breathtaking Alberta Badlands with filmmaker Mike Lang and Sam Taylor, a cancer mom turning caregiving on its head. Together with Jeremie, stand up paddled 60 KM down the Red Deer River over three days. The whole adventure was documented on Caregivers in the Wild, a web series that throws caregivers into nature to help them find themselves again. From SUP adventures to deep talks about letting kids face their fears, we explore how the wild helps us heal. Plus, Jeremie shares the intimate moment of making eye contact with a deer while peeing in the wilderness—because nothing says "finding yourself" quite like that.

Be sure to check out Jer & Sam's episode of Caregivers in the Wild on Youtube!

Check out Sam's previous conversation with us here.

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