

You Can't Get Boners In Space
49 mins
Dec. 15, 2023
As the old saying goes "In space no one can hear you scream". Well, the new saying is "In space, no one can get a boner". According to a recent study, it turns out that due to micro-gravity and cosmic radiation viagra might be a necessary part of any spacefaring payload. The guys give some insight into their exciting trip to Ottawa to accept their Meritorious Service Decoration! Jer warms everyone's hearts with his new chiropractic disaster clip. Some humans can live without a brain, which makes Wizard Of Oz a hell of a lot more relatable. In this weeks WHAT THE HELLTH!? Jer goes full public health detective as he unpacks a pretty gnarly case of eye syphilis that was spread in a cluster all from the same patient zero! Join the post-episode conversation over on Discord!
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