A Real Life Living Hell: The Scorching Nightmare of Erythromelalgia
39 mins
Nov. 10, 2023
In a groundbreaking achievement, doctors at NYU Langone Health successfully completed the first face and whole-eye transplant on a 46-year-old man who suffered severe electrical burns. Although the patient currently lacks vision in the transplanted eye, early indications suggest its healthy. One woman’s experience in a bad fast food meal leading to a Coma and blindness has resulted in her finding her groove in the world of competitive cycling and she’s on fire! Speaking of being on fire, some poor folks deal with what is referred to as Man On Fire Syndrome and boy oh boy does it ever sound like a living hell. Literally, they feel like they are in the pits of hell as their skin feels like it’s being pressed on a hot stove and the horrifying part is that there is no cure.