Apps aside: What happens if you have a gender inclusive, IRL speed dating experience?
The Succulent Six are raring to get back into the dating scene — on their own terms.

We've all been there: raring to get back into the dating scene — but having no clue where to start. With apps teaching us that our next romantic partner could be just a swipe away, and the reality that we can just as easily be swiped away ourselves, many of us are left yearning for real face-to-face connection.
It's not only intimidating but seemingly impossible to meet people the "old-fashioned way". Our team of curvy super SHEroes, the Succulent Six, put our heads together to see if we could find a way to bring back that personal, human connection that dating apps sorely lack.
We decided to host a groundbreaking, gender inclusive speed dating experience intended to span the dating gamut and see if there was a way for us all to meet without typical societal constraints. Some of us straight identify, some of us are bi, some of us are queer and some of us are questioning. Much like a tapas restaurant lets you sample many items on the menu without having to commit to just one plate, our team wanted a shot at love (or other types of relationships) without having to spend an entire date with someone just because they ticked our theoretical compatibility boxes… and our speed dating mission was born!
They say "If you never try, you'll never know" - and we all wanted to know just who might be hiding in plain sight, ready to sweep us off our feet, so we embarked on our Succulent Search for "BIG LOVE!"
Steff Ivory Conover (Ivory) is Toronto based artist and a founding member of the Succulent Six, Canada's team of Curvy Super SHEroes, Canadian Confidence, a collective of plus-sized bloggers, models, artists and and activists fighting to reclaim their right to feel beautiful at any size, and Les Femmes Fatales, Canada's premiere burlesque troupe for Women of Colour, you can follow her antics on Instagram and Twitter @pureivorydotca and online at