Inside a Halifax apartment with over 200 houseplants — and snakes!
Jake, aka @therainbowjungle, gives us a peek at his rare aroids, lush aquariums and reptile enclosures
Houseplanted is a bi-weekly series where folks with extraordinary houseplant collections invite us inside their homes for a tour of their verdant spaces and to share tips and inspiration for keeping nature alive inside.
Meet Jake, aka @rainbowjungle, a reptile and houseplant enthusiast based in Halifax N.S. Jake has been collecting plants since he was a teenager, acquiring an impressive array of rare and exotic aroids in the process.
In this episode of Houseplanted, Jake gives us a tour of his jaw-dropping collection of philodendrons, alocasias and anthuriums, which also coexist alongside his family of reptiles, fish and a curious cat. He also shares some insights on tissue culture, and how it's changing the game for many houseplant collectors.
Check out the video, then scroll down to learn a bit more about Jake and his plant collection.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Tell us about your home.
I've been located in Clayton Park, Halifax for about five years now. My lovely two-bedroom apartment is the first place that truly feels like home to me. The three main rooms have nice big windows that provide plenty of natural light for both the plants and myself, which was a big selling point for me. Plants aside, having a bright apartment makes the winters much more bearable.
How many plants are in your collection and how long have you been at it?
At the time of writing, I have 232 individual pots (I counted). I used to have quite a bit more, probably somewhere in the range of 350. The collection has been about eight years in the making, but I really started taking it seriously five years ago.
Can you share your very first plant, your most recent addition, and your all-time favourite?
I do actually still own the very first plant that I got; it's a Pilea cadierei, or aluminum plant. She started as three tiny stems with maybe six leaves total, and I've now had to cut her back several times. I'm probably going to end up placing her in one of my gecko vivariums so she can live on for even longer without taking up as much space.
My most recent additions were two incredible wishlist species of mine: a Philodendron genevievianum and a Philodendron spiritus-sancti, both of which were early Christmas presents from my father.
Previously, I would always have trouble picking a favourite plant in my collection, but since picking up my Philodendron 'Whipple Way,' she has easily taken that spot; every leaf is unique and gorgeous.
Describe the emotional connection you have with your plants. How do they make you feel?
Most of my plants I fully consider as extensions of myself; I feel connected to the plant itself, the growing process, the positives, the negatives, all of it. If I'm not doing well, my plants give me something to take care of. The winters in Halifax can be brutal, but watching the (sometimes literal) fruits of my labour grow even in those times gives me great joy. I find now that I'm a bit more matured in my plant-keeping journey, I also don't find myself attaching to the way a plant looks at any given time. It's a process, and sometimes they don't look their best, but I try to remember that things can always recover if they're still green.
What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own houseplant collection?
Tropical plants are going to want more water, whereas succulents and cacti will want less, so if you think you're more of a helicopter parent, like me, who's going to want to check their plants a lot, go for something more tropical.
Aglaonemas are a great starter plant for the tentative green thumb, as they're quite forgiving if you do forget to water, but also don't hate more frequent maintenance.
If you're the type to forget about your plants, go for a ZZ plant and water it once every 2-3 weeks (a rule I love with them is "water when you pay your rent, no more.")
If you prefer a more succulent, desert-type plant, I'd recommend a jade plant. They're classics for a reason, are very forgiving with water and can tolerate a wide range of light exposure.
Both houseplants and aquarium plants can be a trial and error process; find what works for you and don't force things that aren't vibing with your care style (I do not grow cacti for this reason). The vast majority of plant people will always be happy to talk leaf with you, so don't be afraid to reach out to friends or post on forums. YouTube has also been excellent for more in-depth guides on specific plants and for inspiration.
What's the most important rule or practice you follow when caring for your plants?
For a long time, I was an avid recommender of potting plants without drainage holes. Since most of my collection had similar care requirements and soil types, I got used to the watering process very easily and never really had to worry about overwatering. However, I've since moved away from this mindset to lessen risks and avoid accidents. What I try to do now is pick up my pots, feel how heavy they are and judge whether they need water solely based on that. (If the pot is light, it probably needs some water; if it's heavy, it's probably OK for a bit.) This is something I recommend to people of any skill level; it really helps you get in tune with the water uptake and what your soil is like. Then, as you become more experienced, you can adjust your soil mixture to allow more water retention or better drainage, depending on the need.
Have you developed any unconventional methods or techniques for growing and nurturing your plants?
I really don't like removing leaves for aesthetics. I will let a leaf yellow until it basically falls off. This is more of a personal preference, but I like letting the plant take all the energy possible to use for new growth, and I don't really care if it looks slightly less pretty for a couple weeks. However, I am also a big fan of chopping unhealthy growth.
Where do you see your plant collection heading in the future? Are there any specific goals or aspirations you have for it?
In the coming months, I'm planning on moving, so I know that I'll have to make some tough cuts to the number I have. I've taken it in stride, though; I can always get them again, it's a transient hobby. Once I'm in a new space, I'm hoping to have more consistent light, which will allow me to create a more tailored growth space.