Transform your tangled and broken baubles into trendy hair pins for the best hair day yet
DIY these pins and layer them for extra effect

We all have that bag of broken jewelry intended to be fixed! It's time to bring that intent to life and bring some old odds and ends into a trendy new light! In this DIY I'm going to show you how to embellish hair pins with your broken jewels — using some creativity, glue and a little love.
Here's what you'll need:
- Broken jewelry (such as necklaces, bracelets and charms)
- Clean work surface
- 5-10 hair bobby pins with circle mounts (can be found at local craft and bead stores)
- Pliers
- Scissors
- Fishing line (if you'd like to add some beads)
- G-S Hypo Cement Glue with precision applicator (made for fine jewelry work)
- Paper towel for wiping excess glue
- Small bag to discard sharp jewelry bits

Here's how to do it:
1. Lay your broken jewelry out on a clean working surface. Pick pieces of jewelry that will complement each other well — I like to choose similar colours and textures. You can also just work with one necklace and break it up into smaller pieces with pliers. I like to use a few different pieces of jewelry so it looks a bit more eclectic. Be sure to remove small wire loops from any charms to avoid your hair getting caught in the loops. If you'd like to add some beads to the pins, secure with a small piece of fishing line, knotting around the charm you secured to your hair pin.

2. Once you have your pieces selected, lay them out to see how they look together. I like to stack 5-6 hair pins in my hair at the same time so this step gives me an idea of how they can be styled together.

3. Time to glue the jewelry pieces to the hair pins. I like to work with a cement glue with a precision applicator. Place a small amount of glue onto the circle mount of a hair pin. Let the glue set for about 30 seconds until slightly tacky, then place your jewelry piece. Lay flat to dry. Repeat 5-10 times. Note: The glue will be set in about 15 minutes but will take 24 hours to completely dry.

4. Time to wear your beautiful up-cycled hair pins out into the world! I like to add some curl to my hair first. Take a brush and a slick back one side of your hair and spray with hairspray. Carefully slide one hair pin at a time onto the side of your hair, starting at the top and working your way down. Continue until you achieve your desired look.

Lady Hayes is a designer, photographer and mama, known for her beautiful floral inspired projects and lifestyle. Her love of flowers shines through her couture crafted Flower Crowns and Petal Pop, her line of Floral Confetti with sun dried roses and gold confetti glitter. Stay connected! Visit Hayes over on her Instagram or visit her website to shop and say hi!