Your horoscope for the week ahead: Seize this opportunity to make progress on your passion projects
Meanwhile, take the high road and avoid strong words as chatty Mercury opposes passionate Mars

Feeling a bit uninspired lately? You could be blessed with a burst of motivation as energetic Mars trines disciplined Saturn on Monday. As these planets work in harmony, we have a chance to harness our potential and execute our vision for the future. Seize this opportunity to tackle any tasks you've been avoiding and make progress on your passion projects. Now is the time to move forward.
You'll want to be mindful of how you engage with others on Tuesday. When chatty Mercury opposes passionate Mars, you might feel tempted to unload some choice words on anyone who offends you, however inadvertently. Before you react, take a moment to consider what that would actually accomplish. Choosing the high road will help you retain your focus and energy so you can find clarity and peace.
On Wednesday, the emotion-ruling moon will wax into her first quarter in sensitive Pisces. If you're filled with the desire to message, text or call everyone you know under this influence, do your best to avoid creating false narratives should they not get back to you or pick up right away. Practicing self-love and investing time in yourself will carry you through.
Meanwhile, tensions could flare thanks to relationship-ruling Venus opposing bold Mars on that same day. It's important to be extra aware of how we're expressing our emotions during this time. If you're feeling some frustration, try to let it out in a productive way. Engaging in physical activity or creating something with your hands could be just what you need.
As communicative Mercury squares dreamy Neptune on Thursday, you may find it challenging to separate fantasy from reality. We tend to be more gullible under this influence, so be sure to keep your feet on the ground when interacting with others. To avoid getting caught up in it all, spend time nurturing yourself with activities that you find truly uplifting.
Your world could start to feel brighter when idealistic Neptune stations direct in generous Pisces on Saturday. As the planet of illusion moves forward in this water sign, our belief in the kindness of others is often renewed. We'll be inspired to soul-search and think about the ways we can better our society during this time as well. Enjoy trying on some rose-coloured glasses.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, November 28, 2022.
You have the power to fulfil your vision, Aries. If you're ready to put in the work to banish distractions at the start of the week, you'll be able to make progress toward achieving your goals. Reminding yourself not to sweat the small stuff will also help you to stay focused on the task at hand. Discussions surrounding love and money could become heated midweek, putting you at risk of saying something you regret. Seeking out healthy ways to blow off steam can help you to preserve your relationships with loved ones during this time. Then, as the weekend approaches, try to refocus your energy and allow your passions to fuel your inner fire.
How have you been feeding your mind, Taurus? As your thirst for knowledge grows at the top of this week, you could find yourself drawn toward uncharted territory. Harness this moment to follow your passions and create powerful new experiences. Midweek, if you feel like you're reaching your breaking point with others, take a step back to gain perspective on the situation. Focusing on cultivating your own garden will help you maintain harmony. Then, toward the weekend, you could have an opportunity to make positive changes that will allow you to evolve as a person. Take concrete steps toward realizing your dreams.
Is your mind whirring with activity, Gemini? Early this week, you could develop some important solutions for your day-to-day life. Be sure to share any ideas you have with friends and family to help move things along. Come Thursday, you may need to put your nose to the grindstone to get things done. As loved ones vie for your attention, finding a gentle way to block off your schedule will help you to stay on track without hurting anyone's feelings. Your confidence will re-emerge on the weekend as you allow yourself to think big. Aim to shed your inhibitions and create things that uplift you — now is not the time to listen to the opinions of others.
Are you ready to embrace your true potential, Cancer? Monday could offer you an extraordinary chance to pinpoint your professional goals and begin fulfilling your desires. Don't be afraid to seek guidance from loved ones to ensure that you get started on the right foot. If you feel more disconnected from your drive as the week goes on, take some time to recharge your emotional batteries and connect with your inner self. Reflect on any negative patterns you'd like to break to move forward. Then, toward the weekend, take a moment to find joy in the everyday tasks that help you to care for your home and family. This grounding practice will nurture your sweet spirit.
Your knowledge is valuable, Leo. Early this week, you could have an opportunity to help a friend to break out of a rut or learn an important financial lesson. It's critical that you wait to be asked before lending your advice, however; it will save you time and energy in the long run. Come Thursday, you'll want to be careful when discussing money matters, as others could get easily confused or leave out essential details. Misunderstandings could also flare up quickly on the weekend, so try to keep a healthy distance from work communications if you can — you can figure out how to solve any major issues next week.
Make room for pleasure, Virgo. So much of your time is spent taking care of others, but this week, your loved ones will be ready to pick up the slack so you can relax and indulge in a few of your favourite activities. Midweek, you may want to schedule in some alone time, as people could have a tendency to be disagreeable or selfish. This could be an ideal opportunity to review your finances and look for any hidden fees or inconsistencies. You might feel ready to believe in love again as the weekend approaches. As romance begins re-entering your world, try to choose the path of least resistance so you can truly let your heart free.
You don't have to agree with everyone all the time, Libra. In fact, you may not see eye to eye with your loved ones on something this week, and that's OK. If things come to a head, don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Opening up this side of yourself will allow them to get a better sense of where you're coming from and who you really are. You'll be able to patch things up come Thursday if you can bring reason into the discussion. As the weekend approaches and your attitude toward your responsibilities softens, feel free to unburden yourself. Life is meant for living, so take this time to stop and smell the roses.
Take a moment to consider what direction you're heading in, Scorpio. At the top of this week, you could take some excellent steps toward elevating your everyday routine. If you've been thinking about incorporating new wellness practices into your life, be open to listening to ideas from friends and even gathering inspiration online. Midweek, you could end up butting heads with coworkers, so do your best to practice patience as you work to find common ground. Be careful not to get too defensive with your loved ones during this time as well. Reminding yourself that the people in your life only want the best for you will help to ease any tension.
You've got an opportunity to cash in this week, Sagittarius. Following your passions can help you profit off your talents, but you'll need to be efficient with your time. This magical moment will only last a little while — it's important that you make the most of it by being strategic. As the weekend approaches, you may find yourself losing some of this traction and getting sucked into petty drama that has the potential to completely throw you off your game. Keeping yourself away from gossip will help you focus on the responsibilities at hand and get things done.
You'll be riding high at the top of this week, Capricorn. And with everything running smoothly at home, it's a beautiful moment to voice your desires — and concerns — with loved ones or those you live with. If a disagreement arises once others have had time to process your ideas, allow them to voice their feelings and practice empathy if you feel your temper rising. Know that if you can spin the facts in favour of all parties, everyone has a chance to leave the conversation content. By the weekend, you'll be ready to leave your tough exterior behind. You'll be feeling light and filled with laughter. Let people see your silly side.
Don't rush, Aquarius. If you feel as though you're being bombarded with responsibilities this week, take a moment to collect yourself. Only some things can be executed speedily — realizing this will be key to helping you regain your composure and plan for the weeks ahead. Midweek, nurture your spirit by connecting with your nearest and dearest. Relaxing with your favourite people is a sure way to recalibrate your mind, body and soul. Then, if you've had a bit of a wake-up call concerning your finances over the last few months, you could find that money matters start to become less pressing over the weekend.
How do you defend yourself, Pisces? You may want to rethink your approach when engaging in difficult conversations early this week, as people could be more prickly than usual. Midweek, you'll be wise to stay mum about your financial plans around family or they could try to take the lead and influence your decisions. Meanwhile, you could feel a rush of passion take over, as your mind ignites with ideas for new projects. If you're single, this could manifest in you feeling butterflies for a new flame — or flames. Whatever comes up, try to stay grounded. It's fun to dream, but it's even more extraordinary to realize those dreams.
Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.