Your horoscope for the week ahead: The first full moon of the year will help you move forward with kindness
As Aquarius season kicks off this weekend, it’ll be a brilliant moment to rewrite any self-imposed rules

Change is coming, whether we're ready for it or not. But dealing with this inevitability might feel a bit easier when the ego-ruling sun in driven Capricorn trines innovative Uranus in strong-willed Taurus on Monday. This aspect encourages us to embrace flexible thinking and see the bright side of any challenge that arises. Harness this energy to follow your instincts and adapt quickly; you might even make some new friends in the process who can help to expand your world view.
Also on Monday, the first full moon of the year will arrive in thoughtful Cancer, calling us to reflect on any lingering conflicts in our relationships and consider how to move forward with maturity and kindness. Our sensitivity can act as a superpower under this lunation, particularly as the moon goes on to trine dreamy Neptune in emotional Pisces a few hours later. Use this introspective moment to find more empathy for others so you can start working together to reach your common goals.
Do your best to practise moderation when indulgent Venus squares expansive Jupiter on Tuesday. It can be particularly challenging to fight against temptation as these planets clash, especially when shopping. Be sure to ask yourself if you truly need something before you break out your wallet.
Then, you could get a bit of a wake-up call when the spirit-driving sun in ambitious Capricorn opposes intense Mars in protective Cancer on Wednesday. If this aspect causes you to perk up and pay more attention to your potential competitors, resist the urge to villainize them. Instead, try to look at this as an opportunity to put your skills and know-how to the test. Remember: there's space for everyone to succeed.
Try to avoid getting swept up in self-pity as deep-feeling Venus conjuncts strict Saturn in perceptive Pisces on Saturday. Under this influence, it's easy for our moods to turn sour, especially if we become too absorbed in our own emotions and experiences. If you notice this starting to happen, do your best to reframe your mindset and redirect your focus toward the things you can actually control.
Our perspectives could shift once more as the charismatic sun enters forward-thinking Aquarius on Sunday. Over the next four weeks of this transit, we'll be in a prime position to nurture our individuality and set inspiring new goals. Use this period to shake up the status quo, explore fresh ways of doing things and expand your influence. It's a brilliant moment to experiment, create and innovate — your self-imposed rules were meant to be rewritten.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, January 13, 2025.
Wondering how you can make a real difference, Aries? If you notice your focus shifting toward charity or community work at the start of this week, you may want to set aside some time to really consider how to apply your gifts with joy and originality. Lending your creative talents to a cause that's close to your heart could be a beautiful way to give back to the people around you. Then, an unfinished passion project of yours could spring to mind this weekend, inspiring you to wrap up loose ends. Once you've invested a little time and energy in it, you can have fun showing off all your hard work to the people you trust.
Start stretching your thinking, Taurus. Adopting a more flexible mindset could prove useful this week, and might even open your eyes to exciting opportunities for your domestic and professional spheres. So take a moment to really observe your surroundings and ask yourself how you can create a more stimulating and harmonious environment. Freeing yourself from any self-imposed restrictions will be the first step in enacting those changes. Meanwhile, you may notice your influence rising at work as authority figures approach you with new responsibilities. Just be sure to consider what you want to fill your plate with before saying yes to anything.
Keep an open mind, Gemini. If your loved ones approach you with some seemingly wild ideas for how to use your resources at the start of the week, don't be afraid to really entertain their proposals. Taking time to mull over all your options will help you make more strategic decisions with your cash moving forward. On the career front, you may feel the pull to take a big professional leap. Look inward to imagine how you might apply your skills to make magic happen. Then, as Aquarius season kicks off this weekend, you might feel especially thirsty for fresh experiences. Go ahead and enrol in a course that excites you or book your next vacation.
Take a chance, Cancer. If an intriguing professional or creative opportunity presents itself at the start of the week, try to use this as an invitation to imagine new possibilities for yourself. A little daydreaming might be just what you need to ignite your courage and take the next steps in your career. Then, as Aquarius season arrives this weekend, you may feel eager to turn inward and take some time to reflect and rest. These four weeks tend to be particularly contemplative and rife with self-transformation; use this period to cut out bad habits and take more responsibility for your actions.
Is your work feeling a bit stale, Leo? This week, exploring alternative methods for getting things done could lead you to some exhilarating new challenges or passion projects. Listening more closely to the needs of others may also encourage you to find undiscovered solutions and carve out a new niche for your career. Meanwhile, you could find that your closest connections and business partnerships become a top priority for you from now through the next four weeks — and require even more of your attention than usual. Remember: you can gain great insights when you look at things through the eyes of the people you trust most.
Have you been saving up for a rainy day, Virgo? This week, you may be inspired to finally cash in and experience something truly special with your favourite person. Take some time to talk over all your options with your loved one, then enjoy your well-deserved treat. Meanwhile, from now through the next four weeks of Aquarius season, you could find that you're even more motivated than usual to optimize your routines and create a structured schedule that will help you succeed. Luckily, you'll also be ultra detail-oriented during this time; take pride in using your meticulous eye to bring perfection to everything you touch.
You're steady as a rock in the eyes of others, Libra. But even though you've gained the confidence of your peers, you may sometimes feel nervous to take chances regarding your work. So at the beginning of the week, challenge yourself to really explore all your options when it comes to your career. Doing so could give you the confidence you need to rise to the next level. Meanwhile, you may find you're in the mood to reconnect with your inner romantic and artist from now through the next four weeks. Use this Aquarius season to tap into your self-expression and declare your passions without fear.
There are no bad ideas, Scorpio. So this week, give yourself the freedom to explore your wildest inklings, especially if you're currently seeking out new opportunities for your career. As you do, family members and loved ones could make fantastic sounding boards and help to bring unexpected ideas to the table. Who knows? Brainstorming might even inspire you to begin collaborating with those closest to you. Meanwhile, you may become aware of some competition at work this week. Do your best to run your own race and commit to self-improvement. Finding ways to fill in some of your educational blind spots could take you far.
Could you use a little company, Sagittarius? You may want to invite family and loved ones to join you as you tackle mundane chores or errands this week, as their presence is sure to bring you comfort and help you decompress. Remember: not every get-together needs to be a raucous social occasion. Meanwhile, you could find that you're more open to connecting with people outside your usual orbit from now through the next four weeks. Enjoy getting involved with your community and welcoming new connections; you may even find that chatting with neighbours and strangers provides you with valuable information and insights.
Listen up, Capricorn. Your closest partnerships and relationships are illuminated right now, so you'll be wise to stay open to any ideas or proposals that your loved ones share with you, particularly at the start of the week. They could help you figure out how to move forward in certain key areas of your life. Meanwhile, you may feel more drawn toward material comforts, as attaining security and stability becomes a primary concern from now through the next four weeks of Aquarius season. Just be sure to carve out time to get familiar with your finances so you can ensure your spending aligns with your goals for 2025.
Are you struggling to hear your inner voice, Aquarius? You may need to cut out the background noise to really connect with your intuition at the beginning of this week. Retreat to a quiet place in your home where you can avoid distractions — you could end up tapping into an unmet need lying just beneath the surface. Then, over the weekend, all eyes will be on you as your season kicks off with a bang. Your natural charisma and magnetism are sure to shine from now through the next four weeks, helping you to speak up and command attention. Don't miss this chance to experiment, be spontaneous and pursue all your unconventional interests.
Invest in your talents, Pisces. This week is a brilliant time to believe in your vision and start bringing it to life. So give yourself a pep talk if you need it, then take a few small steps toward manifesting your goals. Meanwhile, you may notice that many cycles in your world are coming to an end, which could prompt you to reflect upon how certain habits, relationships and patterns have affected your life. You're invited to dive deep into your inner world and really centre yourself from now through the next four weeks. Try not to worry about making any decisions in the process — the solutions you require will present themselves in time.