7 showstopping Halloween makeup tutorials to try this year
Show up to the Zoom party like….

This year, in addition to your Halloween costume social media shots, you may be doing the video chat party rounds. Your waist-up looks require extra attention! Kyne Santos, aka onlinekyne, and Julia Dantas have taken us through some amazing tutorials over the past few Halloweens. Here are some of our favourites to help you with your full-face transformations.
Delight fellow Schitt's Creek fans with this tribute to Moira Rose by onlinekyne.
Drag Moira Rose is the ultimate Schitt's Creek costume for Halloween

Master one makeup look then switch it up to the classic character of your choice, using this tutorial by Julia Dantas.
This last minute Halloween makeup tutorial gives you 3 instant costume options

A simple drugstore wig can go a long way with this how-to by onlinekyne.
1 wig, 3 ways: Transform a basic black wig into 3 wicked Halloween costumes

Go twinning with your best bud with this tutorial by Julia Dantas that shows you how to mimic your cat's face.
This makeup artist transformed herself into her own cat for Halloween

Be "a glamorous clown that wins beauty pageants" with this tutorial by onlinekyne.
This Glam Clown makeup tutorial by onlinekyne is seriously stunning

There couldn't be a better time to morph into this werewolf than for this Halloween's rare full blue moon.
Slay every Halloween Zoom with this fierce werewolf makeup tutorial from onlinekyne

Rock this Gene Simmons look by onlinekyne.
An epic KISS makeup tutorial perfect for Halloween