Woman spends 9/10ths of day creating exquisite to-do list for that day
REGINA, SK—There. It's beautiful. And the day will be too, now. Well, what's the left of it. Sun seems to be going down pretty quick.
Alannah Kimble, a 31-year-old systems analyst, decided this morning to stop failing to complete her important tasks, and in order to throw procrastination completely out the window, sat down to create a to-do list that would guarantee a wonderful, fulfilling, task-completing day.
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Seven hours later, she's darn near finished. The list, that is.
"I'm so excited, I honestly feel like this is a game-changer. As soon as I realized that if I put my responsibilities for the day down on paper in front of me I would be able to work through them in a simple, tangible way, I just felt a tremendous sense of ease," said Kimble.
"I took a deep breath, relaxed, and headed out to Business Depot to find the most exquisite calligraphy pens, to really give my to-do list the sense of importance it deserves."
Though she didn't find exactly what she was looking for, after a quick search at Michaels, Canadian Tire, and Grand & Toy (which turned out to have closed a couple years ago), she finally came upon just the right pen at Michaels art supply store.
Then it was time to begin the search for the right paper.
Arriving home around 3:48 with pen and paper, Kimble began crafting her list.
Not the main list, of course, but a preliminary, longer list, one that she would look over carefully, eliminating anything that seemed superfluous, before moving onto a more streamlined second list.
Ah yes, the list. Time to knock those annoying tasks off one by one and get on to what life is really all about.
After a quick return to the store for a different colour of ink ("red was too negative," said Kimble. "I'm a person who faces life head-on with positivity"), it was time to get to work on the main list.
After getting two items into the list, Kimble broke out into a sweat. She reminded herself, though, that this was going to make doing things easier. Plus, she was probably just feeling warm. She resolved to continue work on the list—fine-tuning, underlining, and doing circles shaped like clouds—until sundown, at which time she would have the proper body temperature to get moving on completing her tasks for the day.
When she finally completed the list, she decided that tomorrow would be a better day to start (full moon, etc.) and tore up the list, resolving to create a new, fresh one tomorrow. As she did, though, she took a glance at the top item, just for old time's sake:
"Pick up Derek from school."
Oh, whoops.
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