STUDY: Men may not notice any symptoms of girlfriends being mad at them

She's answering your texts, she hasn't hated any of your clothes in a while, and as far as you know, you're still on for your date Thursday. Surely everything is fine.
Many men are at risk of going about lives with their girlfriends mad at them – despite the fact that the men have completely failed to notice any symptoms.
How is this possible?
A woman will often notice immediate symptoms when her boyfriend is mad at her. To many men, however, the warning signs often aren't noticeable for days, weeks, and even years. That's why it's so important to get tested regularly.
But I haven't done anything wrong.
Yes you have. You might have done something in her dream.
How do I get tested?
There are a few different ways to find out definitively if your girlfriend is mad at you.
The best way is of course to just ask her, but you could get a false positive for a number of reasons (she could be mad at a friend or a boss or her own body, and is taking her anger out on you). Also, attempting this method too many times could actually have an adverse effect, resulting in a much more severe and potentially irreversible case of her being mad at you.
Another option is to provoke an argument about something you feel she has done wrong and see what she presents as a counterargument. Although this is an effective way to find out if she is mad at you, it does not treat the source of the problem and in fact may irritate it more, making it harder to treat in the future.
How NOT to get tested:
Do not ask your friends. Especially "Single Kyle."
Kyle seems confident when he reassures you that everything is fine, but even being friends with him leaves you at risk of infection. Kyle has contracted dozens of women's anger over many years, but has never addressed the root cause.
It's important to get tested regularly because the issue could remain dormant in your system for years and flare up at the most inconvenient times.
What happens if my girlfriend is mad at me and I don't know?
This isn't good. The longer it goes unnoticed and untreated, the worse the outbreak will be when it finally occurs. It could lead to you being yelled at, loss of bed, loss of girlfriend, or in some extreme cases, death. The condition can also get passed on to your children if it's never properly resolved.
What treatment is available?
Unfortunately, no consistent treatment has been found to date.
No matter what preventative measures are taken, any man is susceptible to his girlfriend being mad at him at any time.
Scientists have found that the only reliable way to guarantee you won't get infected is to simply avoid having a girlfriend in the first place.
Leading scientist Darren Foreman, who has devoted his life to research in this field, says, "The only way to stabilize your condition once you've contracted it is to remain single. I feel much better now that Deb is gone. I will find a cure for oblivious boyfriends if it kills me."
While this all seems fairly dire, you can also lower your risk of your girlfriend being mad at you by not being a stupid idiot all the time.
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