Our November logo is a tribute to trans women in STEM for Transgender Awareness Month
Inspired by a retro tech aesthetic, Calgary artist Klara Vollstaedt created this month's logo design

Every month, we feature a new take on the CBC Arts logo created by a Canadian artist. Check out our previous logos!
Our latest logo design is a tribute to Transgender Awareness Month, and it's created by Klara Vollstaedt, an artist who's inspired by the digital world in more ways than one.
"My art practice is very much connected to the internet," writes Vollstaedt, and the intricacies of life online — matters of identity, connection and relationships — are recurring subjects in her 3D art and animation.
But technology has also enabled Vollstaedt to grow her career. She sells most of her work as digital collectibles, something she's been doing since early 2021, and NFT projects (like one she'll tell you more about in the questionnaire below) have empowered her to support others in the trans community as well. Read on!
Name: Klara Vollstaedt
Age: 26
Homebase: Calgary
Let's talk about your design! What inspired the concept?
The design of my piece is very inspired by Y2K futurism, video games and sci fi movies like Tron and Ghost in the Shell. My childhood in the early 2000s heavily inspires my work. There's lots of neon, shiny plastic and technical interconnected parts.

November is Transgender Awareness Month. How did you want the logo to reflect that theme?
This piece is mainly a tribute to trans women who work in STEM. Often trans women are at the cutting edge of technology and art. We are often overshadowed by our cis counterparts, or our contributions are erased and uncredited.
What's the project you're most proud of?
I've contributed to many shows in the last year, and they've been so incredible, especially one called SuperTrans which was curated by Laurel Charleston. As part of the show, my work was even featured on a Times Square billboard!
I also created the NFT fundraiser KBot Factory, which was a collection of randomly generated little happy robots (4,000 pieces total). The proceeds from this project were used to fundraise for gender-affirming surgery for myself and many other trans people. I also used the funds to support many artists from underrepresented communities.

What's new in your world? What are you working on these days?
I just finished a project with a super cool company called Deadfellaz, which is a very inclusive and amazing crypto project. I made a piece of art for them and it will be going up for sale soon. I am currently working on an independent collection of art: some paintings and some more 3D pieces — really flexing my creative muscles!
What's your favourite place to see art?
I love anywhere that goes far beyond the white cube model. Some of my favs are the former SuperRare pop-up gallery in NYC and Lume Studios.

Who's the last artist you discovered online?
I discover so many, it's hard to know which one I discovered last! Some recent favourites are Olivia Pedi, Solla Sölva and Rue.
What work of art do you wish you owned?
Anything by Jason Ebeyer. His work inspires me every day and he makes these absolutely beautiful physical pieces.
Where can we see more from you?
The best place to catch my art stuff is on Twitter (@kvollstaedt) or on my website klara.art.

This conversation has been edited and condensed.