Lorgio Nim's design for our Black History Month logo was inspired by his childhood in Africa
The Ottawa-based digital painter created this month's CBC Arts logo

Every month, we feature a new take on the CBC Arts logo created by a Canadian artist. Check out our previous logos!
"I've always had a hard time putting words to my own style," says artist Lorgio Nim via email. "A lot of my colour schemes are heavily inspired by Renaissance art," he continues, which you'll see in a quick skim of his Instagram. Nim's a digital painter who typically does portraits — pictures of everyday folks and Black cultural icons.
"A word that keeps being thrown at my art is 'Afrocentric," he says, and to mark Black History Month, Nim's created this take on the CBC Arts logo. The design's much different from the painterly style of his usual work. What inspired it? You'll find the answer in the Q&A below.
Name: Lorgio Nim
Age: 22
Homebase: Ottawa
Let's talk about your design! What inspired your take on the CBC Arts logo?
I wanted to draw inspiration from art traditionally found in African cultures, specifically in western and southern parts of the continent.
I grew up in Africa, so I grew up seeing these designs all around, whether it was on art hanging in my grandfather's living room, or on clothing, etc.
For you, what does it mean to celebrate Black History Month?
As mentioned before, I grew up in Africa where we never celebrated BHM. I think it's important to celebrate and take pride in one's roots and culture, not only for one month out of the year, but continuously.
Having said that, personally, I am a big believer in individual identity over group identity. We live in a time where there are seemingly an infinite number of ways to group people, which makes it one of the most divisive periods in human history. I think it's paramount to respect each other's groups but to never let our groups define us as individuals.
What's the project you're most proud of?
A piece I did that was inspired by my favourite artist of all time, Jean-Michel Basquiat, as well as another piece titled constant fear. I love this one because of the different messages people were able to draw from it.

Who is the last artist you discovered online?
I rarely browse art online. The one that immediately comes to mind is @cesar_does_it. Great artist and peer.
What work of art do you wish you owned?
Cabeza by Jean-Michel Basquiat. That is one piece I would love to own more than anything else.
What's your favourite place to see art?
I love Renaissance art (da Vinci, Michelangelo, Giorgio Vasari, etc.). Any gallery or museum that has [Renaissance art], I'm bound to love.
Where can we see more from you? Any new projects on the horizon?
I have a website where prints of my works can be purchased.
Keep an eye on my IG (@lorgiiio). A lot of stuff in the works!