How to make a cutting board clock for slicing through time itself
What time is it? Time for another how to guide, of course! In this video, we'll teach you how to build a hanging cutting board clock.
What time is it? Time for another how to guide!
What time is it? Time for another how to guide, of course! In this video, we'll teach you how to build a hanging cutting board clock.
You'll be surprised by how simple this creation is — the most important thing you'll need is a steady hand, plus a few items like a belt, a clock movement kit, and a glue gun. With some deep breaths and precision, you can have a piece of art that keeps time just as well as it keeps your wall looking nice.

Oh, and if you used your only cutting board for this clock, don't worry! You can make another one — in a gorgeous "live edge" natural wood style — thanks to this previous how to video.